There is growing recognition that to date many processes have been undertaken to examine issues pertaining to Inuit and barriers to educational success however such processes have mainly focused on what those barriers are.  There have been no substantive discussions regarding how to address barriers to Inuit educational success or perhaps more specifically actions required to create change and curb the all too real statistics. 


  • Nearly 60% of Inuit adults have not completed high school and only 2.7% have completed a university education
  • 40% of Inuit Adults had an income of less than $10,000 compared to 24% of all Canadians according to the 2001 Census
  • 44% of Inuit aged 45-54 attended residential school according to data from the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey

The National Inuit Education Summit represents such an opportunity, bringing together Inuit, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers to examine what is known and what we can learn from the experience of others --- more importantly taking these lessons and knowledge gained through research and applying them to the creation of a National Inuit Education Strategy.  Further, special consideration is also being given to transformative factors that can lead to positive change.  In preparation for the summit ITK has engaged researchers to examine the following areas of Inuit Education:


  • A review of how schools and families can work together to ensure Inuit students stay in school, are healthy, and motivated to learn
  • An overview of successes and gaps within the education systems of each Inuit Region.  And also providing an overview of reforms that have taken place in Canada and internationally that transformed education systems and led to student success
  • A review of key successes and gaps at the Post-secondary and adult training level for Inuit
  • A review of Inuit early childhood learning initiatives that have contributed to the ability of Inuit children to overcome barriers and succeed in school

It is important to note that the research areas selected fall under the Inuit concept of Lifelong Learning.Tags: newsevents and opportunities