Shared Voices Magazine 2016

Other issues

The UArctic magazine Shared Voices is printed annually. Read the current issue.

Table of Contents

  1. Letter from the President

    By Lars Kullerud

  2. Arctic Parliamentarians: Finding Solutions to Climate Challenges

    By Katri Kulmuni

  3. Tourism Safety Is Improved Together

    By Niko Niemisalo

  4. People Coming and Going: The North as a Place of Migration

    By Hanna Snellman and Gertrude Saxinger

  5. International Security MBA – Tailored Safety and Security

    By Jarmo Heinonen

  6. Growth from the North: Education and Competence as Key Input Factors

    By Anne Husebekk

  7. Human Security in the Arctic: Socioemotional Problems as Risks

    By Anna Reetta Rönkä

  8. The Eight Ujarait (Rocks) Model: Supporting Inuit Adolescent Mental Health

    By Gwen Healey and Ceporah Mearns

  9. UArctic Annual Report for 2015

  10. Indigenous Peoples and Extractive Industries in the Russian Arctic and Beyond

    By Aytalina Ivanova and Florian Stammler

  11. Food and Water Security in the Arctic

    By Arja Rautio and David Natcher

  12. Safety in the Arctic: Insurer’s Point of View

    By Gard AS

  13. Maritime Emergency Preparedness and International Cooperation in the Arctic

    By Odd Jarl Borch

  14. Synoptic Arctic Survey

    By Øyvind Paasche, Are Olsen, and Leif G. Anderson

  15. Northern Ties

    By Leslie Earle

  16. Development and Establishment of a Competency Centre for Arctic Field Safety

    By Hanne Christiansen

  17. Adaptation Actions in a Changing Arctic

    By Thomas R. Armstrong, Lars-Otto Reiersen, and Robert W. Corell

  18. Re-engaging Canada in the Circumpolar World

    By Joël Plouffe

  19. Defence Cooperation Must Be Strengthened in the Nordics and in the Arctic

    By Nicolai Stampe Qvistgaard

  20. Student Profiles