How to apply for a north2north grant?

Who can apply for north2north?

north2north is the mobility program of the University of the Arctic. The students from the north2north institutions in USA, Canada, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Scotland and Australia can apply for a mobility at another north2north institution abroad. Intra-Kingdom of Denmark mobility is also possible. The students should contact the north2north coordinator at their home institution to ask how to participate in the north2north program.

Who can apply for a north2north grant?

The Nordic countries that are funding the north2north program are Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Canada is also funding north2north.  There is no funding in USA, Iceland, France, Scotland and Australia. However, the students have the possibility to apply for north2north grants according to the table below.

CANADA ✔ From USA and Iceland
DENMARK*, GREENLAND AND THE FAROE ISLANDS ✔ From USA, Canada, Nordic countries and Scotland
NORWAY ✔ From USA, Canada and Scotland
FINLAND ✔ From USA, Canada and Scotland

*NB: Danish institutions can only offer tuition fee waivers for students if there is a bilateral agreement between the student's home and host institution. Ask the north2north coordinator of your home institution if there is a bilateral agreement. Students coming from institutions that do not have any bilateral agreement with the Danish institution will have to pay a tuition fee.

Grant amount:

A north2north grant will not cover all expenses for traveling, accommodation and other living costs. Students will need to have additional funding and may have to pay for tuition fees at the host institution. In Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland,, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and France north2north students will not have to pay for a tuition fee.

The grant amount differs from country to country. Contact the north2north coordinator at your home institution to ask about the grant amount, the application procedures and deadlines.

Important information:

By submitting an application for a north2north grant, the applicants consent to see some of their personal information (like name, date of birth, and email address) being shared between north2north universities and/or north2north National Agencies in order to assess the applicant’s eligibility for a north2north grant.