Update your Thematic Network profile page

UArctic Thematic Networks and Institutes profile pages should always be kept up-to-date. Here you can find the guidelines and the online updating form.

Your Thematic Network / Institute webpage should always be kept up-to-date. The activities or news you report are NOT automatically inserted under the “Activities” section on the webpage as keeping the webpage updated is responsibility of leaders of the Thematic Networks and UArctic Institutes and only the technical uploading of new texts is done by Thematic Networks office. The content of activities, lists of partners and overall the content has to be reviewed regularly by TNs and Institutes and all needed updates has to be informed to TN office. For making this as easy and smooth as possible another online form has been created and you can submit all updates with the online form. Alternatively, for now, you can still send updates also by email: thematicnetworks@uarctic.org / heli.niittynen@uarctic.org

With this update webpage online form you can send us webpage updates i.e. new/edited content (texts, photos, files) and member updates.

When you want to add new members or remove passive members, you need to inform these changes to Thematic Network office for updating your membership list on the webpage and into UArctic’s internal lists of TN/Institute members. For this, the name of the person, his/her home organization, and his/her e-mail address are required.

Note that the Thematic Network / Institute host institution needs to be UArctic member, and you need to have at least three members from UArctic member institutions in your network. In addition, there may also be members outside of UArctic.

Also, note that if you only report the activity or send news it doesn’t go automatically to the “Activities” section on your webpage, but you need to let Thematic Network office know what texts you would like to be added to your webpage.

Remember to check your Thematic Network/Institute webpage regularly, and send  updates using the online form, or by email to: thematicnetworks@uarctic.org / heli.niittynen@uarctic.org.