KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Established in 1827, KTH is today one of Europe’s leading engineering universities as well as a centre for innovation. KTH is also the largest institution in Sweden for research and learning on technology and its role in society. The institute has five campuses in the Stockholm region which harbor over 13 000 students, 1800 research students and 3500 employees.

KTH rests on three pillars; sustainability, equality and internationalization. We work proactively for a more sustainable future, for gender balance and for attracting students, researchers and facultur from around the world in order to enhance quality of learning, research and results.

In order to play a prominent role in the shift towards a sustainable future, KTH works with industry and society in the pursuit of solutions to great global challenges such as climate change, sustainable resource use and quality of life. We are addressing these challenges with world leading, high-impact research and education in natural sciences and all branches of engineering, as well as in architecture, industrial management, urban planning, history and philosophy. Our research methods, tools and capability to work across disciplines, aid in understanding and improving the interaction between technology and social, ecological and economic systems. We embrace a close interaction between academia and the private and public sectors.

Our educational program is a fundamental pillar of our work towards a sustainable future. KTH awards the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Engineering and Education, Licentiate and Ph.D.

Education and research on the Arctic at KTH takes place within the engineering sciences as well as in social science and humanities, from bachelor level up to PhD courses.

Facts and figures

Web https://www.kth.se/en
Year Established 1827
Total Number of Staff 3563
Number of Academic Staff 1450
Number of Students 13323
Focus Areas

Main topics of Arctic research and education at KTH

Humanities and social science:

  • Resource extraction and sustainable Arctic communities
  • History and politics of Arctic societies, environment and climate change
  • History and archaeology of Arctic science, resource extraction and (geo) politics
  • Arctic futures beyond extraction: remediation, heritagisation, tourism
  • Arctic environmental history
  • Perceptions and representations of Arctic natures, cultures, and peoples

Engineering science:

  • Underwater sensing
  • Challenges for positioning and navigation in the Arctic
  • Methods for 3D mapping and documentation of archeological sites in Arctic conditions
Web link for international students https://www.kth.se/en/studies
Fields of Study Offered Audio-visual techniques and media production
History and archaeology
Philosophy and ethics
Humanities (others)
Sociology and cultural studies
Political science and civics
Management and administration
Physical science (broad programmes)
Mathematics and statistics (broad programmes)
Computing (broad programmes)
Engineering and engineering trades (broad programmes)
Manufacturing and processing (broad programmes)
Architecture and town planning
Architecture and building (broad programmes)
Environmental protection technology
Environmental protection (others)