Linda Lyberth Kristiansen has joined the UArctic International Secretariat as the first Indigenous Greenlandic Inuk intern; she is working at the office from October through February 2024.

Linda studied Culture and Social History at Ilisimatusarfik- University of Greenland, where she is pursuing a Master’s degree about the Implementation of Indigenous Languages in Academia. In addition, she studied Indigenous studies at UiT- Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, during her Master’s degree. Her education and wide range of interests in the Arctic societies are coupled with history, anthropology, humanities, Indigenous rights and cultural studies.

Linda grew up and raised in a small city called Maniitsoq in West Greenland. She was born in Nuuk, in the capital city of Greenland, where she is coming from.

During this internship, she will focus on strengthening Indigenous knowledge through education, as well as supporting on maintaining connections and collaborations between UArctic member Universities.

The internship is additionally, granted by Nordplus Educational Cooperation in the Nordic countries.