UArctic Regional Centres

UArctic Regional Centres are formed by one or more member institutions in order to support UArctic, facilitate member engagement, and provide regional dialogue and engagement. These role include liaison activities with national or regional administrations and other local stakeholders. Regional Centres can also perform specific administrative functions (for example, act as a north2north national agency). See full guidelines, or contact for more information.

Arctic Five / UArctic Regional Centre in the Fennoscandinavian Arctic

The Arctic Five is a partnership of five prominent universities: Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, the University of Oulu, the University of Lapland, and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. It operates as a UArctic Regional Centre for the benefit of UArctic members in the Fennoscandinavian Arctic, supporting their participation and engagement in UArctic activities. 


Scottish Regional Centre (ScAN) / UArctic Regional Centre in Scotland

The Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN) is composed of all UArctic higher education institutions in Scotland and operates as a UArctic Regional Centre for the benefit of those members. This includes establishing a working relationship of mutual collaboration for long-term collaboration and dialogue between UArctic members in Scotland and its Arctic members.


UArctic Regional Centre in China

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) hosts the UArctic Regional Centre in China which provides a hub bridging UArctic and its members in China. Its activities include broadening knowledge of UArctic in China and broadening its voice, and faciliating collaboration on Arctic research by UArctic members in China.


UArctic Regional Centre Continental Europe

The Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en­-Yvelines hosts the UArctic Regional Centre Continental Europe. It fosters and promotes unique and relevant educational opportunities for Northerners and continental Europeans through collaboration and academic exchange and increases the visibility of Arctic studies and research at European level.
