The summer school started on Friday June 28 in Tromsø where the group visited some of the treatment facilities before travelling by to Island of Senja in northern Norway where the rest of the course was conducted. The teaching consisted of a combination of classroom lectures and teamwork solving relevant exercises and cases.

Photo: Pernille Erland Jensen
More than 50 students from 15 different countries participated the summer school: Denmark, Norway, China, Canada, Cambodia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, India, Sweden, Switzerland, Moldova, USA; and the teachers and practitioners from Norway, Russia, China, Greenland/Denmark, Canada and Alaska.
All lectures are now available online at the SSWM (Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management) platform.

Photo: Pernille Erland Jensen
This knowledge platform aims at fostering interactive and practical learning and makes relevant knowledge accessible for users around the world. By following this course, you will get sector specific insights and hands-on knowledge from experts from Arctic universities around the world. The course is structured into 5 modules. In each of the modules you will find short video lectures, as well as literature references, extensive audiotaped lectures, quizzes and useful web links.
The "Arctic WASH" Online Course was developed by the SSWM team in collaboration with Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Alberta, University of Alaska Anchorage, Technical University of Denmark, Northern State Medical University and the International Joint Research Centre for Arctic Ecosystem and Environment at the Harbin Institute of Technology.
It is based on the training course “Sustainable Water Sanitation and Health in the Arctic”, but it is useful for a larger audience learning or teaching in higher-education institutions or for WASH practitioners all over the world involved or interested in sustainable Arctic WASH solutions.