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This month
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Daniel Chartier
- Call for abstracts and proposals: PEOPLE 2025
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Dimitrios Dalaklis
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Tiina Ikäheimo
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Maria Huhmarniemi
- Call for Abstracts: The Second Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole HKH (2025)
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Allison Crawford
- Introducing new UArctic Chair Sudip Kumar Rakshit
- New issue of Inter-Nord has just been published by MIARC
- Vacant PhD fellowship at NMBU in organic Environmental Chemistry
- Jeff Welker on Healy, U.S. Coast Guard's Icebreaker
- An edge of an edge of an edge
- New Mimir accepted by the Board
- UArctic Chair David Anderson Launched Arctic Whaling History Project
- 12th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law (2024) Now Available
- Speaking at the Arctic Circle Assembly on political participation in the Arctic
- Arja Rautio and Jan Borm participated in a lecture on "One Health in the Arctic"
- Philip Steinberg was featured in Insurance Day's special report
- Climate Diplomacy on Thin Ice: Dartmouth Webinar
- First mapping of permafrost university education in the Nordics
- Open seminar: Science Diplomacy in the Arctic: Addressing the Climate Crisis with Urgent & Ethical Action
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law at the NORSIL Seminar in Luleå
- 2024 UArctic Board Meeting in Labrador, Canada
- Three Chairs participate in ArcSolution, holistic approach to climate change and pollution
- Online Symposium of the Network on Persistent, Emerging, and Organic Pollution in the Environment (PEOPLE)
- UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain appointed as an Adjunct Faculty member at NIAS, India
- Cryosphere: Linking the Arctic with the Third Pole
- UArctic Chair Jan Borm at the International Symposium on New Nordic Literary Corpora
- UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain spoke at the YouthTV show “Global Perspectives”
- Blog: The UiT-The Arctic University of Norway delegation visit at University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and Arctic Encounter Symposium 2024
- The CCCI PhD summer school held in Oslo, Norway
- Dr. Roland Kallenborn Honored as a ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar
- Call for Papers: Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL), Volume 12, 2024
- UArctic Rectors Meeting 2024 in Bodø, Norway
- New Genre Arctic Art and Art Education Exhibition at the Arctic Congress Bodø
- The UArctic Chairs Met in Bodø During the Arctic Congress and Assembly
- UArctic Chair Professor Kamrul Hossain elected to the IASSA Council
- The fifth Living in the Landscape Art-based Research Method’s Summer School investigates rivers and the impact of green energy
- UArctic at Arctic Encounter 2024
- Nomadic Hub of Arctic Art Education camped in Karasjok, Norway
- Call for Expression of Interest for UArctic Chairs
- The documentary film “Sherpas Amidist the Mist” was nominated for the London Himalayan Short Film Festival 2024!
- The 11th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law released
- Call for contributions: Relate North: New Genre Arctic Art Education beyond Borders
- UArctic Chairs workshop "One Health in the Arctic" took place at the University of Versailles in France on November 27-28, 2023
- ASAD Network’s Annual Relate North Exhibition at Umeå University
- ASAD network’s annual Relate North symposium held at Umeå University
- Panel session at the Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference 2023
- UArctic Board met in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Publication: Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Arctic and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern
- Breakout session at the Arctic Circle Assembly on Socio-Political dynamics of Inter-Polarity
- PermaIntern certified the first permafrost internship supervisors
- Kamrul Hossain, UArctic Chair in Arctic Legal Research and Education, interviewed by Nepal Television
- Ilulissat Science Forum 2023
- The Arctic meets the Himalaya
- The First Ever Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole, held on 6-9 September in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Book release: Arctic Law in 1000 Words
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference held on August 7-11 in Montreal, Canada
- 11th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2023)
- UArctic at the 2023 Arctic Circle Assembly
- Article "Pristine or polluted? Pollutants are contaminating the Arctic. Climate change could make it worse."
- Engaging with Polar Regions: Science, Human Ecology and Geopolitics EPR 2023 Conference
- UArctic Frederik Paulsen High Level Seminar: Mine Bioremediation in the Arctic
- Nordplus Horizontal funding for the development of New Genre Arctic Art Education
- Relate North Symposium - Exploring Beyond Borders
- Fourth Living in the Landscape summer school examines forests
- International Workshop "Reindeer Stories" held in Inari, Finland
- Professor Jan Borm, UArctic Chair in Arctic Humanities, appointed Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour
- Call for Papers: Volume 11 of Current Developments in Arctic Law 2023
- Deepening Arctic snowpack driving ancient greenhouse gas emissions
- A Seminar on "Indigenous Peoples and Sustainability" at the Queen Mary University of London
- Developing a permafrost internship service – strengthening the link between higher education and working-life
- UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain gave a keynote speech on protecting Indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge
- Young people's stories on climate change and climate justice
- Strengthening UArctic's scientific expertise with UArctic Chairs
- Reminder: Call for abstracts for the Inter-Polar Conference
- Financing a more sustainable future
- UArctic Chair receives J.V. Snellman Medal
- Imagining possible futures through circumpolar partnerships
- USask recognizes David Natcher for community-engaged research
- The annual UArctic Chairs meeting held at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
- New issue of the French journal Inter-Nord published
- Early melting of the Arctic Ocean in spring may contribute to extreme weather events
- Seminar on Indigenous Rights at the University of Lapland
- Exhibition “Arctic Twilight, pastels by Jean Malaurie", University of Greenland
- Arctic International Technical Conference “Mapping the Arctic” held in Nuuk, Greenland
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference
- The First Inter-Polar Conference: Connecting the Arctic with the Third Pole
- Publication: Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions
- Discussion on Paul Gaimard and his expeditions at the Annual Humanities Conference
- Work on the shared arctic variable on permafrost – living on frozen ground continues
- The Relate North 10 Virtual Exhibition
- Relate North #9 published
- Icebreaker research expedition into the High Arctic spring will study how the atmosphere, sea ice and ocean interact
- ADVOST project held a four-day conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
- Anthropology Conference 2023: Day 2 and 3
- Interdisciplinary permafrost workshop in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- "It's not a miracle: Teacher preparation and teaching in Finland" speech by Tuija Turunen
- Anthropology Conference 2023
- A Panel Session at the Arctic Circle Japan Forum: The Cryosphere: Legitimizing the links between the Arctic and the Third Pole
- Video available: UArctic Chairs session “UArctic responses to climate change: research and education” at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2022
- Arctic Circle Japan Forum: Program is now out
- Polar Night Week in Svalbard – Bridging the Fram Strait!
- Submissions call: 16th Polar law Symposium
- Arctic 5 Chair Security Studies special seminar: "Hybrid Threats in the Arctic" held at the UiT Arctic University of Norway
- Relate North 10: Possible Futures virtual symposium
- New open access publication: Education, Equity and Inclusion – Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North
- Webinar "Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a post-Covid-19 New Future" is now published
- Funding for a new research project, “The evolving relationship between the Sámi People and the European Union and its effects on the EU Environmental Law and Policy"
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference: Call for Abstracts & Proposals
- Arctic Sustainable Art and Design TN (ASAD) has received funding for the development of its activities in 2023-2025
- The 10th Volume of the Current Developments in Arctic Law (CDAL) is out
- UArctic Research Chair Jeff Welker and colleagues receive funding for an interdisciplinary Academy of Finland Consortium Project
- A Seminar discussed the Arctic dimensions of human rights
- "Sherpas Amidst the Mist" – a documentary film showcasing Yak herding in the Third Polar region
- Svalbard reindeer diet-switch from moss to grass supports reindeer population growth in the face of dramatic winter and summer climate changes in the High Arctic
- The first UArctic Chairs’ meeting held in Reykjavik
- The Faroese chapter of the “La Recherche” Expedition Account by Xavier Marmier translated into English
- Introducing the winning project of 2022 Frederik Paulsen Arctic Academic Action Award
- UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law organized an academic session at the 15th Polar Law Symposium
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Kirk Anderson
- UArctic at the 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly
- The 2nd Finland-India joint seminar held at the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU)
- A database project launched on Doctoral and Post-doctoral Projects on Arctic Law
- UArctic Research Chair is leading another Arctic Icebreaker Study. This time Aboard the I/B Oden ArtofMelt: Interactive Processes in the NE Greenland region
- Introducing the UArctic Chair David G. Anderson
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Tuija Turunen
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Timo Jokela
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Kamrul Hossain
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Odd Jarl Borch