Memorial University of Newfoundland
All News Articles
This month
- The Arctic Academy for Sustainability
- Call for Applications: 2025 Project Call to Support Indigenous and Northern Relationship Development
- Call for Applications: 2025 UArctic and Memorial University Global Arctic Leadership Project Call for Indigenous and Northern Collaborative Research and Education Engagement
- Yukon University field school program brings students and faculty to visit Nordic institutions
- 2024 UArctic Board Meeting in Labrador, Canada
- Announcing the launch of the Thematic Networks Success Stories
- Online Symposium of the Network on Persistent, Emerging, and Organic Pollution in the Environment (PEOPLE)
- Highlights from the "Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Arctic Futures" EAF 2024 Conference
- Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research strategy workshop held in St John’s, Canada
- People of the Ice: Honouring a community-based partnership that centres Inuit knowledge
- Call for Applications 2024: Project call to support Indigenous and Northern relationship development
- Open call: 2024 UArctic and Memorial University Global Arctic Leadership project call for Indigenous and Northern collaborative research and education
- Global Affairs Leadership Initiative Funds: Open call for projects
- Northern and Arctic Islands workshop: Setting the Agenda
- UArctic Staff Meeting 2023 in Pyhä, Finland
- UArctic Board met in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Job call: Assistant Professor, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference held on August 7-11 in Montreal, Canada
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- New UArctic Board Members
- The annual UArctic Chairs meeting held at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
- Norwegian exchange: Indigenous education, culture and self-determination in the North
- PEOPLE 2023 International Conference: Call for Abstracts & Proposals
- Call for Applications 2023 - Project Call to Support Indigenous and Northern Relationship Development
- Call for Applications: 2023 UArctic and Memorial University Global Arctic Leadership Project Call for Indigenous and Northern Collaborative Research and Education
- Recording of the panel discussion "Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" published
- UArctic participates in Umeå Arctic Forum
- UArctic Staff Meeting in Lapland
- "Education, Equity and Inclusion - Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" book launches were held at the University of Lapland and at the FERA Conference
- Meet UArctic: Canadian Member Information Session presentation
- Final scientific meeting of the joint research project MAREC: The inter-organizational coordination of mass rescue operations in complex environments
- UArctic Board meets in Copenhagen
- The first UArctic Chairs’ meeting held in Reykjavik
- Introducing the UArctic Chair Kirk Anderson
- Verdde – a Mutually Beneficial Exchange
- CCA appoints expert panel on the future of Arctic and northern research in Canada
- Position announcement: Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Arctic and Subarctic Peoples and Places
- Memorial University renews agreement with UArctic to host the new position of Vice President Northern Community Engagement
- Memorial University‘s Project Call for Applications (2): 2022 UArctic Project Call for Indigenous and Northern Collaborative Research and Education Engagement
- Memorial University‘s Call for Applications (1): 2022 UArctic Project Call for Indigenous and Northern Relationship Development Fund
- Launch of Two Funds for Building Relationships with Indigenous and Northern Communities
- UArctic Rectors meet in Versailles
- UArctic Project Call Results 2021 for Cooperation Activities on Research, Education and Outreach
- Press release: First Ever Frederik Paulsen Award Honours Canadian Initiative
- Postdoctoral opportunity with the At Home in the North Research Partnership
- Network webinar on advancing small children’s voice and agency
- Two new project grants awarded to UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Virtual Youth Climate Summit
- The Morning Watch journal published a special issue on Education in the Circumpolar North
- The ADVOST project held an inspiring two-day workshop discussing children's voice and story
- Project ADVOST published an article about teachers experiences in the frontline of the COVID pandemic
- Labrador Institute's fourth international Indigenous Intern selected
- Travel to Newfoundland with north2north Mobility Funding
- Successful funding decision for research project on inclusion and agency of young children
- Round table discussion "Do you speak my language?" - Speakers now published
- New funding enables UArctic to increase activities and programming in Canada
- Labrador Institute International Indigenous Internship opportunity
- Memorial's SmartICE team given Canada's highest honour
- Falling in love with northern coasts on a north2north exchange
- UArctic Intern Connects with Indigenous Peoples Around the Arctic in Inari, Finland
- Third Labrador Institute Intern Joins UArctic Secretariat
- Ocean Frontier Institute opens for applications to Visiting Fellowship Programs
- Memorial University of Newfoundland hosts “Engaging Islands” RETI Symposium
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education hosts a webinar on Leading Change Towards Indigenising Academies
- Nunavut Arctic College selects Memorial University as partner
- Call for Content on the Journal of Ocean Technology
- Registration open for the People, Place & Public Engagement Conference
- Labrador Institute's third international Indigenous Intern selected
- UArctic profile in Journal of Ocean Technology
- Labrador Institute’s first International Indigenous Intern selected
- Reminder to apply for PhD course on extractive industries
- Extractive Industries PhD course in Newfoundland
- Labrador Institute International Indigenous Internship opportunity
- UArctic Vice-President Indigenous appointed an Ambassador for the Arctic Inspiration Prize
- Conference annoucement - Ocean Innovation 2016
- UArctic Student Ambassadors present their vision for the future Arctic
- Thematic Network on Teacher education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education Symposium
- UArctic’s Board appoints Sheila Downer as Vice-President Finance, Development and Engagement
- UArctic Board meets in Rovaniemi
- Inuit Studies Conference 2016, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, October 7-10, 2016
- New Vice-President Indigenous appointed for UArctic
- UArctic Student Ambassador discusses traditional knowledge and climate change on the radio
- Benefits and challenges of internationalizing the university – MUN meets UWestfjords
- UArctic Student Ambassador "a young indigenous leader to watch in 2015"
- UArctic Student Ambassadors with Prince Albert
- Press Release: UArctic Student Ambassadors meet global leaders in Tromsø
- UArctic Student Ambassadors training at Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø
- First group of UArctic Student Ambassadors appointed
- UArctic Leadership visits Memorial University of Newfoundland
- UArctic Boad of Governors will meet in St John's in Canada October 23-25
- UArctic's second year at EAIE a success
- Arctic Spotlight: UArctic session at EAIE Prague, Sept 19
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Labrador Institute
- Keith Chaulk, UArctic's new Vice-President Indigenous, participates in first Ma-Mawi meeting
- MoU signed between UArctic and Memorial University of Newfoundland
- IS exchange students in Canada
- Call for Papers: Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 11-15 August 2013.